Do you know the indication of each magnesium salt?
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1. Counselling Conundrum: a real question from a patient
2. Concise Conclusion: a straight-forward patient-friendly answer
3. Quick Wrap-up
Clearly, there are nuances that may not be captured in this format. The goal here is to provide you with helpful counselling tips which often draw from multiple sources or those which are not commonly accessed by busy healthcare providers serving the community.

Counselling Conundrum: "My doctor told me I should take Magnesium, as I may be low. Why are there so many different kinds? Which one is best?"
Concise Conclusion: That's a great question. Many minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium can be found in different forms, and they aren't all created equal. Any form will increase your magnesium, but here are some notes: Oxide is the least expensive, though also the least absorbed form. Lactate and Gluconate are typically preferred, as they are better absorbed, but cost more than Oxide.
Quick Wrap-up: Below are a few of the pearls in our Magnesium salts Cue Card:
-if you're looking for an antacid: hydroxide is best
-if you're looking for a laxative: citrate/hydroxide/sulfate are preferred
-if you want to use it to improve your sleep or cognition: some limited data shows L-threonate may be best, as it can better cross the blood-brain barrier
-food sources include: nuts, leafy greens, whole grains, and legumes
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