How are you doing with the Ozempic backorder? Well, we have a tip today that might just simplify things for you.
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1. Counselling Conundrum: a real question from a patient
2. Concise Conclusion: a straight-forward patient-friendly answer
3. Quick Wrap-up
Clearly, there are nuances that may not be captured in this format. The goal here is to provide you with helpful counselling tips which often draw from multiple sources or those which are not commonly accessed by busy healthcare providers serving the community.
Counselling Conundrum: "My dose of Ozempic is 0.5 mg, but my pharmacy is telling me they are only getting blue boxes, which only give the 1 mg dose. They said they'd let me know when they get the red boxes, but is there anything I could do while waiting?"
Concise Conclusion: One option, though a bit unorthodox, would be to count "clicks". So in your case you could count 37 clicks, which would equal 0.5 mg, using the blue pen.
Quick Wrap-up: We have included a handy chart below. Although this is not from a reputable source, we've reviewed it in its entirety and the math checks out. This helps with the shortage of red (2mg) pens, but can also help when a patient may be in need of slower titrations. If you have patients on higher doses than 1 mg, you can of course ask them to reduce to 1 mg just until the shortage is over. Keep in mind that these pens only last 8 weeks once in use, after which they need to be discarded regardless of remaining doses.
Dive Deeper
1) Click charts for Ozempic : r/Ozempic ( (yes, this is a link to reddit)
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